1. Civil law of the countries worldwide. In association with foreign scholars Institute of private law has initiated a project of organizing reference publication “Civil law of the countries worldwide ”. The goal of the project is edition reference manual that will give the information about civil law of different modern countries (more than 200). The structure of each article will be the same (civil legislation data, law enforcement practice , legal science and legal education). The information will be set up in such a way that will help a reader to study the current situation of foreign civil law systems and tendencies of their development. The manual will include the list of issues needed for unified data collection on civil law systems worldwide.
2. Monograph by Robert Sharlet. By the present time some of the articles of Robert Sharlet have been translated. Robert Sharlet is Chauncey Winters Research Professor of Political Science, Union College, Schenectady, NY. A noted expert on the Russian and Soviet constitutions and constitutional law, during the early 1990’s he served as Senior Coordinator of the Rule of Law Consortium in Washington, DC and abroad, the mission of which was to provide legal reform assistance to Russia and the former Soviet republics under auspices of the US Government. Professor Sharlet teaches courses on Russian law and politics, the impact of the Cold War on American society, and the US involvement in Vietnam.
3. “100 questions concerning Russia and China ” . In association with Chinese lawyers Institute of private law has issued a publication about Russian and Chinese law. This book will contain the answers to the questions concerning Russian and Chinese investment climate, international trade affairs and cooperation.
4. The preparation and carrying out of the 3rd International Symposium on civil law. The venue of symposium (preliminary) is one of the countries of Central Africa.